Hello!my name is Nurazila binti Ahmad Tajodin who is twenty- one years old live in Johor.
Just call me zila.I am a woman and i was born on 13rd april 1990 in Johor.I lived in Johor most of my life.I went to primary school at Sekolah Rendah Kebangsaan Senai in 1997 and finished in 2002.I am a librarian when im in primary school and i am happy to be librarian when i am in primary school because i can stay more time to read many types of book in school library. Then,i went to Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Senai in 2003 from form 1 until form3 in 2005.I am the one of the prefect at Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Senai.After PMR examination,i continue my studies at Sekolah Menegah Teknik Pontian,Johor from 2006 until 2007 in commerce course and in 2008 until 2009,i am studies at Sekolah Menengah Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj in Kulai,Johor for form 6 in syariah islamiah course.After finished my studies at secondary school,i make partime work at Petronas petrol station as a cashier.Its a wonderful and happening because i will see many varios of people modes that sometimes they were happy,sad,angry and funny that comes from many types of coutries icluding customers from abroad like japanese,arabian and many more. Now,I learned in College Selangor International Islamic University,located in Bandar Seri Putra,Bangi.I am diploma in human resource management of management and secular faculty in second semester.The subject that i took in this semester is "aqidah and akhlak",arabic language,preparatory english,financial accounting,statistics and islamic studies.I hope that i can pass all the subject in this semester and get the grade pointer more higher than before.I have about two years to finish my studies.After finished my studies,i would like to find a work base on the course that i took now,human resource management.I choose human resource management course because i heared that we can get a job easily after finished this course.My father's name is Ahmad Tajodin bin Jailani who is fifty - one years old works as assistant technical officer at Telekom,Senai.He was a 'imam' at Surau Al-Ikhwan,Taman Aman and 'amil zakat'.My mother's name is Miskiah binti Muslim who is fourty-five years old is a housewife.I have five siblings and im the second of my siblings.They are three sister named nurul syuhada who is twenty three years old work as insurance agent at prudential takaful bsn and she is married,nurazila and nurul insyirah who is eleven years old, and two brothers named Ahmad Lutfi who is nineteen years old have finished his studies at College Matriculation Johor going to Kelantan to learned "tahfiz al-quran" and Ahmad Zulhaili who is sixteen years old.My hobby is searching on internet like social network ,read the artical especialy in the web named 'i luv islam.com' and watching movie in youtube web like korean movie,horror movie and love movie.I am also like going out for shopping.I love to see stars in the sky when i had problems because it so attractive.I like purple colour because it is a romantic colour.My favourite food and drink is 'tomyam' seafood and dutch lady full cream milk.That's all about my self.
Just call me zila.I am a woman and i was born on 13rd april 1990 in Johor.I lived in Johor most of my life.I went to primary school at Sekolah Rendah Kebangsaan Senai in 1997 and finished in 2002.I am a librarian when im in primary school and i am happy to be librarian when i am in primary school because i can stay more time to read many types of book in school library. Then,i went to Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Senai in 2003 from form 1 until form3 in 2005.I am the one of the prefect at Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Senai.After PMR examination,i continue my studies at Sekolah Menegah Teknik Pontian,Johor from 2006 until 2007 in commerce course and in 2008 until 2009,i am studies at Sekolah Menengah Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj in Kulai,Johor for form 6 in syariah islamiah course.After finished my studies at secondary school,i make partime work at Petronas petrol station as a cashier.Its a wonderful and happening because i will see many varios of people modes that sometimes they were happy,sad,angry and funny that comes from many types of coutries icluding customers from abroad like japanese,arabian and many more. Now,I learned in College Selangor International Islamic University,located in Bandar Seri Putra,Bangi.I am diploma in human resource management of management and secular faculty in second semester.The subject that i took in this semester is "aqidah and akhlak",arabic language,preparatory english,financial accounting,statistics and islamic studies.I hope that i can pass all the subject in this semester and get the grade pointer more higher than before.I have about two years to finish my studies.After finished my studies,i would like to find a work base on the course that i took now,human resource management.I choose human resource management course because i heared that we can get a job easily after finished this course.My father's name is Ahmad Tajodin bin Jailani who is fifty - one years old works as assistant technical officer at Telekom,Senai.He was a 'imam' at Surau Al-Ikhwan,Taman Aman and 'amil zakat'.My mother's name is Miskiah binti Muslim who is fourty-five years old is a housewife.I have five siblings and im the second of my siblings.They are three sister named nurul syuhada who is twenty three years old work as insurance agent at prudential takaful bsn and she is married,nurazila and nurul insyirah who is eleven years old, and two brothers named Ahmad Lutfi who is nineteen years old have finished his studies at College Matriculation Johor going to Kelantan to learned "tahfiz al-quran" and Ahmad Zulhaili who is sixteen years old.My hobby is searching on internet like social network ,read the artical especialy in the web named 'i luv islam.com' and watching movie in youtube web like korean movie,horror movie and love movie.I am also like going out for shopping.I love to see stars in the sky when i had problems because it so attractive.I like purple colour because it is a romantic colour.My favourite food and drink is 'tomyam' seafood and dutch lady full cream milk.That's all about my self.
Thank you!!^_^
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