Crayfish, also called crawfish or crawdad, are closely related to the lobster. More than half of the more than 500 species occur in North America, particularly Kentucky (Mammoth Cave) and Louisiana in the Mississippi basin. Crayfish also live in Europe, New Zealand, East Asia and throughout the world, including the Tristan da Cunha Islands. Nearly all live in freshwater, although a few survive in salt water. Crayfish are characterised by a joined head and thorax, or midsection, and a segmented body, which is sandy yellow, green, or dark brown in colour. The head has a sharp snout, and the eyes are on movable stalks. Crayfish are usually about 7.5 cm (3 inches) long.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
:: crayfish ::
Posted by Cahaya Nur Kasih at 8:16 AM 0 comments
Saturday, August 6, 2011
characteristics of crab and frog
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FROG ![]() Frogs have very good eyesight. They bulge out the sides of their heads in order for the frog to see in nearly all directions. Frogs also have amazing sense of hearing. You can often tell the difference between a male and female frog by the size of their eardrum, which can be seen behind their eyes. If the eardrum is smaller than the eye, the frog is a female. On males their eardrum is the same size as the eye. Frogs have very powerful back legs and webbed feet that help them jump great distances, as well as, swim. Frogs even use their legs to dig, or burrow, underground for hibernating. Certain frogs can jump up to 20 times their own body length in a single leap. Every different species of frog has his or her own look. They come in many colors, patterns and sizes. Frogs have many predators. Animal predators include birds, fish and reptiles.Most rainforest frogs have pads of sticky hairs on their fingers and toes, as well as, loose sticky skin on their bellies, that make them great climbers to escape their predators. Many of these frogs live in high trees for safety.Other frogs are very good at camouflaging themselves so that they blend in with their environment, making it harder for their enemies to find them. A frog can change the colour of its skin depending on its surroundings. FROGS vs. TOADS Many people don’t know the difference between frogs and toads. They are quite different animals, although they belong to the same animal group. Frogs:
Posted by Cahaya Nur Kasih at 9:50 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Posted by Cahaya Nur Kasih at 7:53 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
:: martial arts ::
Posted by Cahaya Nur Kasih at 12:44 AM 0 comments
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Fasching (also known as Karneval) is a time of festivity and merry making - a time to break the rules, poke fun at those who make them and then to make your own new rules.
In Germany, particularly in the Rhineland area, the tradition can be traced to medieval times where many countries existed under harsh rules. Kings, princes and even smaller potentates maintained their own courts. In doing so, they flaunted before each other their own pomp and splendor at the expense of their population.
During karneval time, the common people took a chance at 'living it up" and "talking back to their rulers". They would make a mock government of eleven people, as well as other officials. A price and princess were selected to rule the country during the Fasching season. Political authorities, high placed persons and sovereigns were the target of ridicule, and featured in humorous and satirical speeches. To avoid persecution and punishment, these antics were played out from behind masks and costumes. Parades, dancing in the streets, masquerade balls and comical skits filled the days and nights.
The terms "Mardi Gras" , "Mardi Gras season", and "Carnival season", in English, refer to events of the carnival celebrations, beginning on or after Epiphany and culminating on the day before Ash Wednesday. Mardi Gras is French for "Fat Tuesday" (in ethnic English tradition, Shrove Tuesday), referring to the practice of the last night of eating richer, fatty foods before the ritual fasting of the Lenten season, which begins on Ash Wednesday. Related popular practices are associated with celebrations before the fasting and religious obligations associated with the penitential season of Lent. Popular practices include wearing masks and costumes, overturning social conventions, dancing, sports competitions, parades, etc. Similar expressions to Mardi Gras appear in other European languages sharing the Christian tradition. In English, the day is called Shrove Tuesday, associated with the religious requirement for confession before Lent begins.
In many areas, the term "Mardi Gras" has come to mean the whole period of activity related to the celebratory events, beyond just the single day. In some US cities, it is now called "Mardi Gras Day" or "Fat Tuesday". The festival season varies from city to city, as some traditions consider Mardi Gras the entire period between Epiphany or Twelfth Night and Ash Wednesday. Others treat the final three-day period before Ash Wednesday as the Mardi Gras. In Mobile,Alabama, Mardi Gras-associated social events begin in November, followed by mystic society balls on Thanksgiving, then New Year's Eve, followed by parades and balls in January and February, celebrating up to midnight before Ash Wednesday. In earlier times parades were held on New Year's Day. Other cities famous for Mardi Gras celebrations include Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Barranquilla, Colombia, Sydney, Australia, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, Quebec city, Canada; Mazatlan, Sinaloa in Mexico; and New Orleans,Louisiana, United States.
Carnival is an important celebration in Catholic European nations. In the United Kingdom and Ireland, the week before Ash Wednesday is called "shrovetide", ending on Shrove Tuesday. It has its popular celebratory aspects as well. Pancakes are a traditional food. Pancakes and related fried breads or pastries made with sugar, fat and eggs are also traditionally consumed at this time in many parts of Latin America and the Caribbean.
Obon or just Bon is a Japanese Buddist custom to honor the departed (deceased)spirits of one's ancestors. This Buddhist custom has evolved into a family renion holiday during which people return to ancestral family places and visit and clean their ancestors' graves, and when the spirits of ancestors are supposed to revisit the household altars. It has been celebrated in Japan for more than 500 years and traditionally includes a dance, known as Bon-Odori.
The festival of Obon lasts for three days; however its starting date varies within different regions of Japan. When the lunar calendar was changed to the Gregorian calendar at the beginning of theMeiji era, the localities in Japan reacted differently and this resulted in three different times of Obon. "Shichigatsu Bon" (Bon in July) is based on the solar calendar and is celebrated around 15 July in eastern Japan (Kanto: areas such as Tokyo,Yokohama and the Tohoku region), coinciding with Chugen. "Hachigatsu Bon" (Bon in August) is based on the solar calendar, is celebrated around the 15th of August and is the most commonly celebrated time. "Kyu Bon" (Old Bon) is celebrated on the 15th day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar, and so differs each year. "Kyu Bon" is celebrated in areas like the northern part of the Kanto region,Chukoku,Shikoku, and the Southwestern islands. These three days are not listed as public holidays but it is customary that people are given leave.
The Inti Raymi ("Festival of the Sun") was a religious ceremony of the Inca Empire in honor of the god Inti, one of the most venerated gods in Inca religion. According to chronicler Garcilaso de la Vega, Sapa Inca Parchacuti created the Inti Raymi to celebrate the winter solstice and a new year in the Andes of the Southern Hemisphere. Since 1944, a theatrical representation of the Inti Raymi has been taking place at Sacsayhuaman (two km. from Cusco) on June 24 of each year, attracting thousands of tourist and local visitors.
During the Inca Empire, the Inti Raymi was the most important of four ceremonies celebrated in Cusco, as related by Inca Garcilaso de la Vega. The celebration took place in the Haukaypata or the main plaza in the city. The ceremony was also said to indicate the mythical origin of the Incas, lasting nine days of colorful dances and processions, as well as animal sacrifices to ensure a good cropping season. The last Inti Raymi with the Inca Emperor's presence was carried out in 1535, after which the Spanish concquest and the Catholic Church suppressed it. Some natives participated in similar ceremonies in the years after, but it was completely prohibited in 1572 by the Viceroy Francisco de Toledo, who claimed it was a pagan ceremony opposed to the Catholic faith.
In 1944, a historical reconstruction of the Inti Raymi was directed by Faustino Espinoza Navarro and indigenous actors. The first reconstruction was largely based on the chronicles of Garcilaso de la Vega and only referred to the religious ceremony.
The Songkran festival is celebrated in Thailand as the traditional New Year's Day from 13 to 15 April. It coincides with the New Year of many calendars of South and Southest Asia.
The date of the festival was originally set by astrological calculation, but it is now fixed. If these days fall on a weekend, the missed days off are taken on the weekdays immediately following. If they fall in the middle of the week, many Thai take off from the previous Friday until the following Monday. Songkran falls in the hottest time of the year in Thailand, at the end of the dry season. Until 1888 the Thai New Year was the beginning of the year in Thailand; thereafter 1 April was used until 1940. 1 January is now the beginning of the year. The traditional Thai New Year has been a national holiday since then.
Songkran has traditionally been celebrated as the New Year for many centuries, and is believed to have been adapted from an Indian festival. It is now observed nationwide, even in the far south. However, the most famous Songkran celebrations are still in the northern city of Chiang Mai, where it continues for six days and even longer. It has also become a party for foreigners and an additional reason for many to visit Thailand for immersion in another culture.
Posted by Cahaya Nur Kasih at 11:08 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
festival in malaysia
Hari Raya Aidilfitri celebrated on 1 Syawal.The festival is also known as Hari Raya Puasa,Hari Raya Fitrah and Hari Lebaran.The festival is celebrated by muslims around the world to mark the end of Ramadhan which muslims had to undergo rituals of fasting to diligently.We can find the beginning of this festivals in two ways,namely 'rukyah'(see the moon) or a measure (count).If the rukyah,when the moon appears,this marked the beginning of the month of Syawal.In Malaysia,the moon will be observed by the officer on duty in the afternoon till dusk in a few stratergic places.Well knownsymbol of the festive is 'ketupat'.Ketupat is a special blend that is still served today.Ketupat is the steamed rice in coconut leaves woven or Palas leaves and often serves with rendang.The other which includes bamboo cylinder,rice cake,dodoland kuih raya.The traditional costume of Hari Raya is 'Baju Melayu' that worn by men in malaysia.The clothes is equipped with a 'songkok' and embroidered on the waist circumference.Women wear Baju Kurung and Baju Kebaya.
In Malaysia, Deepavali is celebrated on the seventh month ofHindu solar calendar and made a federal holiday in the morningMalaysia.Pada Deepavali, Hindus will undergo a bath oil that symbolizes the cleansing of body and spirit. After purificationupucara symbolizing a new beginning, Hindus would visit theshrine where the statue of Hindu god is garlanded with a garlandbunga.Pada front of the house of the hindu decorative "ponds",delicate floral decorations drawn on the ground that are usuallymade from grains of various colors will be placed. Ornamental"pool" is a symbol of worship of the god Lakshmi, the Goddess ofWealth is believed to visit their homes with decorative "pond" infront of the house. "pool" is a religious ceremony for the devoteesHindu.Hari also known as Deepavali and Divali Diwali is a festivalcelebrated by all Hindu devoteesacross the the world and is aholiday in Malaysia.Perayaan Deepavali is celebrated on the 14th day of the calendar month in Tamil Aipasi ( between October andNovember )and is also known as the festival is markedcahaya.Perayaan the victory of good against evil forces, and thedismantling of spiritual darkness. Symbolically, Deepavali marks the return of the spirit of goodwill and faith after a long hiatus, astold in the Ramayana.
Chinese New Year is the most important festivals to celebrate the Chinese New Year in Chinese lunar calendar. Chinese lunarcalendar is divided into cycles of 12 years and was named after the Chinese New haiwan.Tahun symbolizes the beginning, the starting point in the fate and life. Before the day of the new yearbegins, relatives far away will come back together. House iscleaned and all debts collected or paid for them are not alwayssurrounded by a new debt during the year. Burned firecrackers at midnight to mark the beginning of a new year and to repel thegnome and the bad luck. The houses are decorated with orangeas a symbol of cheap food, flowers and lemon trees.Chinese New Year is celebrated with a dinner and cake basketsyee sang. Families will eat traditional dishes such as large duck,smoked meats, sausages, sticky rice cakes, and oranges. Young people will be visiting the elderly and receive ang pau money in a red envelope to symbolize good fortune, which is given by thefamilies of those who are still unmarried. Dragon or lion danceparade will be held, with floats, accompanied by the sound of drums. Fifteen days after the Chinese New Year, Chinese New Year celebration of Chap Goh terminated with a preferredMei.Pemakaian red color is often used during Chinese New Yearbecause red is believed to frighten evil spirits and bad luck.Additionally, those who wear new clothes from head to toe in turn symbolizes a new beginning in the new year.
Festival in Malaysia is a very interesting festival because it can be observed by anyone even though of different races and religions, but must have limitations that must be maintained and respected so that the festival is celebrated to be well received by all of society.This can strengthen the spirit of national unity in Malaysia. festivalsin Malaysia to become an example to other countries as well as topromote the country internationally.
Posted by Cahaya Nur Kasih at 10:14 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 10, 2011
main character of ella echanted

Posted by Cahaya Nur Kasih at 7:47 AM 0 comments
Sunday, June 5, 2011
::jika benar dia terbaik untukku...satukanlah dengan ikatan suci..::
...dia takdirmu di syurga... Hati manusia sangat fleksibel, tersentuh, mudah bimbang tatkala takdir tidak sebulu dengan fitrah, tatkala diserang malapetaka di luar dugaan resah bukan kepalang, akal separa waras. Bila keinginan diharapkan menemani, datang pula bebanan menghantui. Kenapa, mengapa, apa berlegar, berputar ligat membunuh daya mampu dan mahu. Mampu, dalam erti kata berpecak silat menentang badai, dan mahu, berubah. Berkali-kali kita diingatkan, manusia tidak sirna dari dugaan, sering diduga dan menduga. Tabi-'e alam, memang kita memerlukan antara satu sama lain, tiada siapa bisa mendabik dada dia boleh hidup tanpa perlu kepada manusia lain, hatta hartawan sendiri masih memerlukan khidmat orang bawahan, mengaji mengurus dan sebagainya. Justeru itu, masalah akan ada di mana-mana tanpa dipinta, cuma kita disarankan agar berhati-hati, sedia, sabar, dan belajar dari masalah tersebut. Jodoh, adalah hal berkaitan dengan fitrah, mahu tidak mahu setiap daripada kita pasti dipaksa bergelumang meredah mehnah, suka duka, jerih perih sebelum bahagia dalam rumahtangga direalitikan. Manusia tidak selama-lama akan kebal, pasti ada satu saat dia akan tunduk, jatuh. Oleh kerana itu, Islam mengajar agar kita tidak sombong untuk belajar daripada alam, pengalaman, sirah buat pendinding kalis kecewa, sengsara, dan lara. Kita kian tenang dalam damai ketika mencari cinta Ilahi nan abadi. Kita mesti selalu jadi baik, agar yang baik juga Allah Taala jodohkan untuk kita. Cinta yang dicari baik, tetapi cinta yang ditemui lebih baik lagi. Keluarga ibarat sebuah negara, suami ialah seorang pemimpin menerajui sebuah kerajaan besar, tidak boleh dipandang enteng. Berjaya atau tidak seorang suami itu dilihat berjaya atau tidak anak buah di bawah jagaannya. Perkahwinan yang sempurna bukanlah sentiasa sempurna, melainkan ketidak-sempurnaan yang ditangani dengan kemahuan pada agama, syari-'at aturan daripada al-Quran dan as-Sunnah. Tiada apa yang sempurna dalam dunia ini kerana ini hanyalah dunia. Tidak penting di mana kita bermula, tetapi lebih penting di mana kita akan berakhir. "Kali ini sudah dua kali peluang saya berikan, tapi abang masih tidak mahu berubah..." rintih seorang isteri bila mana tahu si suami main kayu tiga. Kadangkala kita terlalu mengharap sesuatu yang ideal sehingga kita terlepas pandang dengan segala kebaikan yang ada pada pasangan di depan mata, hingga kita cuba membandingkan dengan insan lain. Salah kita juga, dulu bercinta bagaikan hilang waras manusia normal, bibir hanya berbicara kebaikan pasangan sahaja, memuji kecantikan pasangan. Bila dah akad, pasti kebaikan juga diharapkan, namun panas tidak selalu sampai ke petang, bila ada step tersilap, maka mulalah persoalkan ini dan itu. Cabaran hidup berkeluarga tidak seindah yang diimpikan, khabar tidak seindah rupa. Tidak boleh menjadi idealistik. Banyak tanggungjawab harus dipikul, banyak keseronokan masa bujang yang terpaksa dikorbankan, karenah anak-anak yang bisa menggugat kesabaran. Bila dah berumahtangga suami isteri bukan sahaja berkongsi satu bilik, satu katil, satu almari, tapi juga satu rasa, satu tanggungjawab. Bebanan kewangan diatasi, dikoreksi bersama. Di sini, cinta akan mekar berputik, kekurangan ada di sebelah pasangan dilengkapkan pasangan lain. Usia perkahwinan juga akan melalui pra-matang, maka dalam tempoh demikian, terlalu banyak agenda perlu dirangkumkan, apa patut didahulukan, dan mana patut dikemudiankan. Sebelum Kahwin Berusaha menjadi terbaik untuk mendapat yang terbaik, bukan menilai orang lain baik tapi diri sendiri tiada usaha menjadi baik. Maka segalanya dilakukan dengan usaha dan niat yang ikhlas, niat baik akan dipertemukan dengan takdir-Nya yang baik-baik. Kebaikan kita dinilai oleh masa, kalau umur dah berginjak 20-25 tahun, tapi masih bermain PSP, baca majalah mangga, belek komik bersiri, bukankah teramat jauh untuk jadi baik. Allah Taala berfirman, bermaksud: "...perempuan-perempuan yang baik untuk lelaki-lelaki yang baik dan lelaki-lelaki yang baik untuk perempuan-perempuan yang baik. Mereka (yang baik) itu adalah bersih dari (tuduhan buruk) yang dikatakan oleh orang-orang (yang jahat)" an-Nur (24:26) Benar kita boleh berlakon, depan orang cerah perut ibu mengandung, tapi sampai bila, tembelang kalian pasti dapat dihidu, bila dah kahwin semua itu sudah tiada lagi, kembali pada perwatakan sebelumnya. Kalian berhak memasang cita-cita, memiliki isteri mampu menjaga pakaian dan makan minum, mendamba isteri rajin bertadarrus al-Quran dan bertahajjud malam, isteri rajin dalam kerja-kerja dakwah, mengimpikan isteri melahirkan zuriat soleh dan solehah, menginginkan isteri berkongsi suka dan duka, kalian boleh buat demikian, tapi sanggupkah kalian juga menjadi seperti apa seorang isteri harapkan, menemani di kala tahajjud, menyediakan pakaian dan makan minum, menjadi pemimpin baik buat dirinya dan anak-anak yang soleh dan solehah. Mereka bertadabbur, dan memahami kalam Allah satu ini; Allah Taala berfirman, bermaksud: "Kaum lelaki itu adalah pemimpin dan pengawal yang bertanggungjawab terhadap kaum perempuan..." an-Nisaa' (4:34) Menetapkan niat untuk menjadi lelaki yang baik untuk keluarganya serta hasrat untuk melahirkan generasi baru yang membawa ad-Deen merupakan usaha yang murni. Sudah tentu usaha sedemikian memerlukan keteguhan dan kecekalan serta usaha yang berterusan sambil memohon pertolongan Ilahi. Niat yang baik akan menatijahkan hasil yang baik. Seorang lelaki menyukai perempuan yang mempunyai sedikit sentuhan maskulin manakala perempuan yang akan menjadi isteri juga menyukai lelaki yang mempunyai sentuhan feminin. Ringkasnya, suami akan suka isteri yang boleh berdikari menyelesaikan beberapa tugasan atau kerja-kerja yang selama ini dilakukan oleh suami, manakala isteri juga menyukai suaminya sekali sekala buat kerja rumah dan memasak untuk keluarga. Ada kalanya suami memerlukan isteri membantunya dalam menyelesaikan kerja-kerja yang selama ini suami yang lakukan, adakalanya si isteri memerlukan suami untuk ringan tulang dalam hal berkaitan house-chores. Tiadalah itu satu harapan yang melangit, melainkan rasa ingin merealisasikan sesuatu yang sudah berkurangan dalam kehidupan insan hari ini. Rasulullah s.a.w dalam kesibukannya berdakwah dan menjadi penghulu ummat juga mampu memenuhi hak-hak keluarganya, dan membina satu keluarga Islami yang bahagia, maka kita juga berusaha untuk menjadi seperti baginda. Saya tidak setuju kalian bercinta sebelum kahwin. Cinta tidak salah, tapi masalah besar adalah orang bercinta, salah meletakkan harga sebuah cinta. Kalau sudah rasa tidak mampu, maka jauhilah maksiat cinta. Kebanyakan orang bercinta terbawa-bawa dengan khayalan cinta sehingga bersikap terlalu romantik. Bila berbual, banyak control macho sehingga tidak berani bercakap jujur dalam hal-hal tertentu. Bila bercakap, banyak tipu dari memberitahu perkara yang sebenar. Bila merancang, banyak manis dari yang pahit. Bila berjanji banyak hipokrit dari realistik. Ini lumrah orang bercinta. Kerana itu, elakkan mengenali pasangan terlalu intim sebelum berkahwin. Dibimbangi, kalian terkejut selepas berkahwin. Sanggupkah kalian bercinta? Selepas Kahwin Kehidupan adalah realiti yang memotretkan pelbagai palitan warna emosi, suka duka sebagai diari dibaca, dicermati pada hari muka, hal baik-baik sudah pasti diulang dan diperbaiki dari semasa ke semasa. Kehidupan adalah lautan yang dipenuhi gelombang, taufan dan goncangan, membawa pelbagai cuaca, sudah pasti memberi kesan membekas di hati manusia. Hati manusia ibarat sebuah sampan kecil yang dipaksa berlayar dalam lautan luas. Mahu atau tidak, manusia perlu benar-benar memahami, belajar dari lautan kehidupan sebaik sahaja mereka membuka mata, dan bersedia memulakan pelayaran. Suri teladan para pelayar sudah ada di hadapan kalian, tinggal lagi kalian memilih cara mereka atau membentuk kaedah pelayaran tersendiri berdasarkan pengalaman mereka. Pelayar terbaik, tidak lain dan bukan adalah baginda s.a.w. Cinta itu bukan alasan utama untuk dapat bahagia, kerana ramai juga bercerai kerana cinta. Ramai orang bercinta bagai hilang ingatan, tapi bercerai berai juga. Ramai yang kahwin suka sama suka, tapi rumahtangga kecoh. Ini bukan soal cinta atau suka. Ini soal sejauh mana kebergantungan suami isteri pada Allah Taala dalam setiap urusan, Sejauh mana mereka sepakat dalam mencari berkat dalam rumahtangga. Dengan kehendak Allah sahaja, rumahtangga akan berjaya dan bahagia. Pohonlah kebaikan pada-Nya, serta terus menerus menjadi baik. Andai ombak kuat melanda bahtera, jangan disangka tiada harapan dapat berlabuh dengan selamat. Ingatlah semakin kita diuji, itu tandanya kasih sayang Allah Taala kepada kita dan Dia tidak akan membebankan hamba-Nya melainkan sesuai dengan apa yang daya kekuatan. Allah Taala berfirman yang bermaksud: "Allah tidak membebani seseorang melainkan sesuai dengan kesanggupannya" al-Baqarah (2:286) Makin banyak kita diuji, makin dekat kita kepada-Nya dan semakin matang dan penuh hikmah kita menyelesaikan sebarang masalah dengan kaedah terbaik, dipersetujui bersama. Bersabarlah para isteri dengan suami yang kebanyakannya akan diam dalam membatu, dan bersabarlah para suami dengan leteran dan bebelan para isteri yang adakalanya untuk menyedarkan anda. Dialah satu-satunya insan yang terbaik untuk diri kalian, bukan kedua, bukan ketiga. Berusahalah melengkapi kekurangan antara satu sama lain dengan segala kelebihan dan kebaikan pada diri masing-masing. Bukannya untuk meruntuhkan masjid yang dibina dan memisahkan ikatan yang terjalin. Carilah salah sendiri kenapa tidak mencari yang kurang baik tapi bisa diasuh menjadi baik. Rumahtangga bahagia, bukan bahagia cukup material dan keperluan jasmani bahkan keperluan rohani. Maka bercintalah kalian sepuas-puasnya, kerana kalian adalah halal bagi pasangan. Setiap hembusan cinta kalian, pasti berbuahkan pahala di kebun cinta Ilahi di taman syurga nanti. Bukankan ironi sangat aneh, bercinta sebelum kahwin lebih hebat berbanding bercinta selepas akad, jelas sekali kalian hipokrit. Kenapa perlu mengembalikan cinta? Saya merasakan setiap manusia itu entitled dan deserved untuk hidup dalam tenang dan bahagia. Hidup tanpa cinta ibarat burung yang terbang dalam sangkar. Selagi ada ruang untuk bercinta, maka sirami dan bajailah cinta itu. Cinta selepas Ijab dan Qabul, sesungguhnya mampu untuk diluahkan dan masih ada untuk dihadiahkan bersama. Selepas kahwin anda tetap sebagai nakhoda. Nakhoda kepada para kelasi di bawah tanggungan anda. Baik buruk kesudahan perjalanan mereka berada di tangan kalian. Prinsip dan paradigma utuh sahaja akan selamat mengemudi badai dunia.
Posted by Cahaya Nur Kasih at 2:24 AM 0 comments